hmm,,..year by year people just neglect the spirit of new year. or issit just me who is too obsessed with firework? hehe..i love to see those firework. it takes my breath away. I NEED CPR, anyone?

This year's christmas was okay. i sang in my church, and i dunno if it was good enough. =/
anyway, had a great time throughout the hols in Dec. It would be greatER with everyone in the house. but i don't really mind, i don't. =)
Thinking what i would do on new year's eve, mum rang me up and said that my grandma passed away. RIP, dear grandma. i'll miss you a lot. well now, i don't have any grandparent. but i know that its the best for them, rather than they suffering from what old people usually suffer. u know, all those Alzheimer, diabetes,..and so on. That is why, we'd better appreciate our loved ones while they are STILL with us. So on new year's eve night, we didn't had any count down or whatsoever. It was grandma's funeral. But i still wished i had the chance to see firework. i mean, wished i was with a crowd doing count down, and watching firework. =D but never mind, there's always a next year. Hope so!

i bet i'll be super excited to watch this!
Oh ya, pris also came back for granny. But it was only for 2 days. Well at least i get to see her and of course, copy movies from her hard disk!! i have movie supply for like months!
and we managed to have a photo session before she flew to KL, in the airport.

Another pic of sisters that could crave a smile on my lips!
i'll end with a few lines from the lyric "last christmas" :
last christmas, i gave you my heart,
but the very next day, you gave it away,
this year, to save me from tears,
i'll give it to someone special...
last christmas ~Wham
*p/s: don't get me wrong, i'm NOT in love. LOL
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