to your favourite hot-spot, the crapiest blog. :) *oh so proud to mention it.
Anyway, "big gurls don't cry" speaks about a young girl, in her...(let me recall my biology)................
aha! In her..........oh ya, "adolescent stage". Well to cut the story short, its me actually.
Ok first, why do i wana cry? My bf (like i've even had one) dumped me? Oh, dream on. Its bcoz i desperately wana go to.......wait for it.......PLACES!! hAHA, yea, i have a few places which i dream to go, but looks like its not working at all. So, maybe @ probably i'll go with my husband and family in future. Patience, everyone!
this time, i'll be telling two of my favourite hottest spots on the globe. Let's go on a "road trip" then. whee~
First stop, Newwww Yorrkkkk Citttyyy. Oh it just makes me stutter! >.<

p/s: i love crowded places, esp "the city that never sleeps", of course~

Central Park = stupendous
And now we're in .....PARIS !! huh, i managed to not stutter.

So, there we go. 2 of my dream places. Wait and see for pictures of me standing in front of statue of Liberty and Eiffel Tower. (edited pics are also counted) :p
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