As you can see, the title today is .....(i'm not gonna waste time typing it again). First of all, you will be thinking, what on earth? Secondly, get alive sharon. You're not gonna make it.
Haha, tell you what. i did not realized that america/britain/canada's next top model is fun and interesting. Now I watch all of 'em. whee to that!
Not that i dream to be a model, urm, actually i did, when i was still a little girl, but, now its nice coz i get to learn more about the field of modelling and fashions, which i'd never thought of. LOL. Getting to see those models in their whatever weird outfits and challenging tasks is a good exposure to those who wants to be @ once dreamed to be (*ehem) a model.
But its fine. i know its just my little piece of dream. and i should put it aside. the best part was that i began to realize that "hey, i don't need a super duper nice body like those skinny models have, instead i can model for my own satisfaction, in my own way. i don't need to participate in any malaysian's next top model (if it exists) coz truly, i AM contented with whatever i am / have."
here's a lil' bit of me here and there...

this looks like a photographer not a model..sigh..

peeping into someone else's window..totally FAIL..

owh, this was candid. have no idea what i was doing.
So, any chances of being a model? jk... :P
Lesson learnt : Trust yourself. :)
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