the match i just watched was between Malaysia and Indonesia. well, to show my support as a patriotic citizen (*ehem!), i decided to watch for ONCE. =) well, i admit it was a good one. Malaysia won!! congratz btw! there's a few things i realized and learnt from this one-and-only football match i've ever watched.
1st) man...its adrenaline-pumping to see the ball flying over one side of the field, then to the other side..huh,,
2nd) not to forget those frustrating feelings when the ball was stopped by the goalkeeper, just when you thought it will end up with a GOAL..haizzz..
3rd) the uneasy feelings when the number of goals are equal.."get over it!!"..and especially when the time is running out!
4th) when one of your favourite player get injured.."awww..wish i was there for him" ...YUCKS
5th) the relief feeling when the team you're supporting scores more goals than the opponent, and the way you think that..."sure they'll win!"
6th) the way you can simply shout...."GOOOOAAAALLLLL!!!!" ~i've tried it,,really worked though..=D
by the way, did i tell you my favourite number? it's 17. number 7.. appears on my birth date, my "angka giliran", "no.pendaftaran" and i made my class jersey with the number "17". Just love it.

OMG !! christiano ronaldo in a jersey number?? *faint*
(no wonder he looks superbly HOT!! ;p)
somehow a football game isn't that bad,,besides it pumps more blood to all parts of your body, increases your heartbeat,,increases the conversion of glycogen to glucose (blablabla)...hmm..all i can say is that it was worth for my first attempt to watch a football match! Thumbs-up for football! whooo hooo...=P

i've always wanted to paint my face,,,well maybe,,not always..:p
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