thinking about school life now, it just leaves a poignant memory behind in your head. after all i had gone through, those joyful, tormenting, wonderful, sad moments, tears could prick my eyes. owh, someone pass me some tissue!
Life's nothing without F.R.I.E.N.D.S. they light up your world actually! Trust me.. Just when you thought you're getting bored with 'em, you are actually missing them! haha, whatever i said is from my own personal life experience. And what more, if she/he is your best friend, man, its hard to let her/him go. now i'm sure that happens to everyone.
Well, being in Zainab for 3 years gave mostly "happily-ever-after" story. what do you expect? all were GURLS!! lol..its like being trapped in a girls' world, not knowing anything about guys, and too shy to speak to 'em! that's me a few years back. ;) however, once you're there, you do not think about "love" stories, that's one of the good point. but, seriously, when i think abt it again, its evrywhre i am placed in, the "walk" there was good.
owh, did i tell you tht my sport house was always the green house? goshh,,

And,,was the school prefect. this was taken when i was in form 3, on our jamuan akhir tahun..

With May Chen,..we were in pink!! XD

they say, smile for the camera! peace, SNAP!!~
Then new life started when i was form 4. Shifted to faris petra, yea, its an co-ed boarding school. gOsh, i met diff guys! this was when i started to learn more about guys, and learn to accept their crazy, yet fun behaviours. *sigh....guys,.guys...
life's better in form 5, although i was facing SpM..oooo...this could make your hair stand!! haha, spm should not be afraid of, its just.....SPM..LOL
great friends, great teachers, great school (indeed), tanx everyone!!

sO before i end, this is a lovely poem about frens, which i found, in abby's doc. so i copied the ending part, sorry though, abby!
Now you have gone,
Sorry for the things I’ve done
There’s still the ray of sun
Which we watched together in the past when we had so much fun !
Gud-bye memories!! but you'll always stay with me,,FOREVER. peace~
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