Once upon a time, in a fairy-tale land, called Neverland, where all the birds are dancing and singing happily with pretty little fairies in a deep forest, and every creature on Earth were enjoying every moment of their lives, but... the one and only jungle-boy in the forest, named Peterpan, who didn't seem to enjoy his, like those creatures did. Why? Cuz he was aLone.....he did have the animals to accompany him, but he needed another human, precisely, a girL...
On one fine, hot summer day (Neverland had summer,,according to my story), the birds and fairies saw an object, floating in the air,(no, its not a ghost), and it was coming towards them!
(D-uh, brainless fairies and birds, it's called gravity, where were u guys during physics class?) and they quickly inform the object to Peterpan. Well, soon the object fell onto the ground, and .....it was LUCY? yeah..a GIRL...
And you could guez what happens next..They fall in love? haha, nah..my story is always weird..
it turns out that Peterpan fell in love in Lucy, but Lucy didn't. How sad Peterpan would be..awww..Peterpan tried everything he could to show his love towards Lucy, catch a grenade for her, throw his hands on a blade for her, jump in front of a train for her, well, but she wouldn't do the same...Life got more terrible for him,,poor peterpan.
So, thinking that he wouldn't get Lucy,,,(ZzzZZZzzzzz.....wait, i hear someone snoring! but my story isn't finished,,just a bit more) and so peterpan got back into his boring, lonely world, and LUCY? went back to Earth, of course...and they both went their separate ways..=_(
So, guess not all stories end with a "happily-ever-after", ryte? So, if you know how to relate the story with a real life one, well, you just knew another story of me!
well, now you can turn off the lights and hOpe that your dream guy/girl would pay a visit at your window tonight! ;D

and sorry, for the crap this time, AGAIN...hehe =D tooddles!
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