Hello there! gosh how i miss blogging. Sorry, sorry, for abandoning you, my blog. :(
Anyways, life is goood. well that's the most appropriate thing to say although its not. So, why don't we just go with it ryte. Yeah, i'm done with foundation in Aimst. Trust me, the 10months i spent there was incredible. People, NICE, lecturers, GOOD, food, MODERATE, environment, most of the time scorching HOT but there's always the library. And my results was okay. :D (big smile here teeeheee)
Next step? Degree. In? Aimst. Nice. Majoring? Medicine. Awesome. Things are getting pretty real to me. Coz i've never, ever, even when i was little, dreamt of becoming someone that has the most work to do! Haha. JK. Dreamt of something too BIG for me, i could say. But God works in His own ways we ourselves couldn't fathom! Really, i'll do anything, if that is my calling. :)
Well that's it i guess for now. Just wanted to update about my journey. :D BTW, this is a picture of me and my beloved sisters. Yes, we are grown ups! whee~xoxo
Monday, July 23, 2012
Posted by sharon de cruz at 3:31 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 24, 2011
geT iT righT...
Today's title is actually the title of a song from Glee, which is "Get it right", obviously. Talking about Glee, its a good show. but i don't like the part where girls flirts with other guys, while she already has a boyfriend, and the way she thinks she's too hot for anyone, and same goes to the 'les' and the 'gays'. Oh my~ i prefer to forward to the singing part. =..=

Posted by sharon de cruz at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 24, 2011
F + S = ?
Ok, kinda need your help to solve the equation above. Well F stands for Fatin, S is Sharon. Oh where do i start?~

Posted by sharon de cruz at 7:33 AM 4 comments
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Hot aNd daNgerous~!
Firstly, ignore the word dangerous above. Its just an extra word.

Posted by sharon de cruz at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 20, 2011
That's why i smile~~

Posted by sharon de cruz at 9:33 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
You hit me like the sky fell on me...

Posted by sharon de cruz at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Fun in the Sun
WHEE~! argh. i think i'm gettin lazier to blog whenever something's goin on. ngeh..:p forgive me, dear fans,. i mean, friends. :)

Posted by sharon de cruz at 6:15 PM 0 comments