Firstly, ignore the word dangerous above. Its just an extra word.

Its 2.58a.m, 24th of june. And yeah, i'm awake! i have no idea what i'm doing, besides the fact that i am blogging. Take a sneak peek on fb (facebook), in case you don't know what it stands for, but no one's online. There are 39 humans/souls onlining, but no one to chat with. muehehe.
Its surprising to feel the heat at night! now i believe that Global Warming is warming up. ? Mind my english tonight, what'd ya expect, its 3a.m! Now, let's start preserving our Earth. :) by NOT switching on the air-conditioners when its freaking hot, like NOW. i bet 1/10 people can do that!
So, where were we?
Ah, i so wanna drive! I regret for neglecting my driving lessons since the month of december! Now people of my age are happily drifting and racing, *not that i intend to do those*, but still? driving. So i have no choice but to wait til i have my own car. and that'd be around.....10 years?

Regret is not right. I shall not look back. I still got a whole life-time opportunity ahead of me! GEE~ self motivation?
Anyway i found the thing that i most wanted to do for the mean time. Cycling!! But i don't own a bicycle. Its like, "i'm hungry, but i don't have food." haih~ I yearn to cycle! the last time i ever touched a bike was....4 years back. I had a really good time falling and stuff. XD accidents happen ok!
Anyone who maybe have the guts to maybe(again) sponsor me a bike, please contact me. :p i definitely, maybe, will bring it to university! teehee~

Alright, before i end up waking up in front of my lappy with headache and neck-ache tomorrow morning, i'd better go to bed. So gudnyte! Sweet dreams~
Thanx for stopping by!
*just realized there's so many exclamation marks!* :D
Again, its 3a.m!

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