To those of you who don't really enjoy the scrumptious and luscious food in Malaysia, (or you don't enjoy eating) ya can cook Maggi instead of wasting your time here. Coz all i'm gonna talk about is FOOD! Um.
Ok. Favourite Malaysian delicacy:
1) Nasi dagang. *muahx*

2) Nasi beriyani. Yummy.

Last time when i was a little kid, when i first fell in love with it (refers to the pic above), i called it 'nasi berani'. *Brave rice*? What a name. What a common-senseLESS person i was! xD
3) Nasi kerabu. The blue rice. Wonder if they could make a purple one for me. #@$%*(

Favourite drink : Anything chocolaty. Milo ais pun jadi la.

Hot chocolate from Starbucks just gives you the perfect satisfaction.
Next, for dessert : *love this part*
Ice-cream/ pie/ any mouth-watering stuff + berries.

oh nananana~!
OR : Cupcakes/ muffins. jUst love 'em.

They look so cute that i wouldn't eat it if i had one like this.
Oh all of these are sooo mouth-watering. Whatmore when i haven't had my lunch and my stomach is secreting its gastric juice, hydrochloric acid, and etc. Why did i talk about food again? >,<
Dang. If only i could have this 'unbalanced diet' everyday..and i will just have to see the outcome...

i still LOVE you, FOOD. :)
I love you too, Food...~
love you more. :P
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