WHEE~! argh. i think i'm gettin lazier to blog whenever something's goin on. ngeh..:p forgive me, dear fans,. i mean, friends. :)
sO..my future? oh, don't you worry about me. i'm going to be a computer freak. :O dah la buta IT, but i'm going to do this course. :)) Never mind, every job leads to something, i'm sure. In fact, very sure of that. When we have the mind, which is many times better than the computer, you have no idea what you're capable of. Ok, my point is actually you don't need the title 'doc, engineer, lawyer, models.?.. juvenile' (the last one was just a typing error) to be successful.
Yes, those are the three well-known job among others, but we could be better (ehem), if we do our best and excel in whatever area we're in. This is just an advice to some students out there who think their course leads nowhere and feels inferior from others. ;) And apart of my motivation too. kua3... But to those future doc,engineers, lawyers...well done! You guys have the opportunity, so use it to the fullest. =D
That is why FUN comes around when we feel down. Beach is the best, the place for you to feel the land/sea breeze (i forgot my geography)...I love it the most when it blows my hair. but i hate it the most when it gets messy. adoi~ luckily i cut my hair short. :))
AND AND!! Hanging out with a bunch of girls, and a small guy, is definitely 'worth bringing that guy'. Coz he'll be the camera man. No, this isn't bully, its asking for a hand. muehehehee~
Especially when pris and abby are around, the more, the merrier~!

(Pris, Abby, Sharon = PAS) haha

Me and may chen...May Chen and I.....

Fun isn't really fun without makan-makan. huhe~

the warong that costs us rm21..just for eating 5 sticks of fishballs and coconut drink.
that's why, 'dun judge the book by its cover'...
JUMP,JUMP and aim for the sky!!

Mind those asses. teehee~
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