Childish? Yup, that's my nature. Heh.

17 years 'young' is an amiss reason to state that someone should be mature at this age. i expostulate on this. Not because of the fact that i myself am 17 years and 3 months, (still under age and so proud of it), but teenagers' behaviors can be prevailed in many types.
On one hand, you see a 15 year old (yet so matured looking) singer/actor making BIG money on tV screens. No, i don't specify it on any notoriously rich young artist (not even Justin Bieber,,eew), but that's the truth. Some young people are having some business going on, and they really, do have money in the bank! And in their pockets? Hmph, don't have to mention it. While on the other hand, you get to see a 15 year old playing hide-and-seek with his/her siblings in their house, while their mom cleans the house. Now, tell me about it.
Well, its easy. Young people, 'OUR' behavior, varies with the environment around us. I can say the reason why justin bieber(oopss), the reason why young artists are mature is because they are making money in the real world and they ought to look professional and resolute. And playing hide-and-seek? Dear! Mind them, they are just having the time of their lives while they still can!

The problem is,,i AM childish. But some people just stares at me and my 22 year old sister, and ask, "Which one is the eldest?" WHAT?! hello..i'm the YOUNGEST! and the tallest (coz of my heels). And when i really dress up, ouh, i look simply professional! *or you can call it mature* :D whee! Anyway, to those of you who knows my type, you know how serious i can be when it comes to serious matters. Hmm, i'm not that really childish, am i? ngeh~
looks like an unemployed 17 year old.
"oh she's only 17?!"
So, we are what we are. If we choose to be a grown-up, we will look OLD. (haha, no offense anyone)! Thus if we want to be childish or we are just naturally childish, that's a good thing! Don't hesitate to change your personality, or don't even think about changing. but it could be bad when you are acting childish at the wrong time. It could also be disasterous! heh.
Whatever it is, AGE IS JUST A NUMBER. After all, i'm just a girl trying to have fun while i still can!~ TEEHEE!
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