Yesterday i had a good time with friends and today i'm pretty freaking out and oh~ this feeling will to be continued for the next, 24 hours. No,. 34 hours. (assuming that my spm result to be out at 10a.m, wednesday) *if my maths is correct though*

Whoa~! This is really something that i couldn't evade from. HUH! Well, i am now hoping that in the next 33 hours, the "everything will be alright" all-time favorite quote wouldn't have to be mentioned to me coz it's not going to change anything, AT ALL. So please don't ever say that, or i might just give you a spank, a hard one , that it will leave the shape of my metacarpals (or whatever it is) on your face. Sorry,, this little spasm of panic just shot my nerves and activated the urm..(what's the name of the crap neurones?) erk. here i go again~
Life is full of surprise dear friends. And that is why i adore and appreciate it. No matter what comes in our way, we should learn to accustom ourselves to the ever changing ambiance. But it's not supposed to end there. The outcomes that we receive may lead to something else, something you'd never thought you are capable of. *hoha! i'm slowly entering into the theme of 'The Road Not Taken'* So, of course we hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. Thus, i am going to compromise with whatever outcomes i could see printed on the slip, which lays lifelessly on my metacarpals which i had just spanked you with. :)
By the way, sorry for the impudence (if you think it is), coz i do lots of crapping rather than thinking, so that is why,.words just flows out faster than my brain. Ouh, leave aside this spm thingy. At least, i hung out with my friends yesterday and had Happy Meal from McD, and.....ULALA~

See the happy meal box? >..<

bowling is FUN!~
Flash back a lil'.....okay., we're on the 19th i think. Had a walk in the one and only big park in k.B, (i think), taman tg.anis. You can find people from all walks of life jogging and exercising there. Well for my family, its always just a WALK. :D and,,taking pics.

pris just loves the sky~

Don't think about future sharon! shush shush*.
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