Hmm, it's been a while since my results are out. Oh and yeah, the all-time favourite quote wasn't heard by my left, neither my right ear. Well, thank God for my results. It turned out well. grateful with that. :)
So now, ahah! There seemed to be quite a number of young, hot, cute, breath-taking actors nowadays. :P teehee~ And i'm falling for one every single day. JK ;)
Ok, here's..(blabla)...from the movie "I am number four"..urm sorry, i don't know his name. Alex..sumthing, i guess. Feel free to google him. :O Anyway its not about the names that i'm going to talk about. ahaks.

Oh, before i forget, see his hands? ohhoho, he generates light/electricity/ whatever you call it.

eh, no light/electricity? out of powers. booo >,<

owh, it would be really useful as a torch.
And here's another young fellow, logan lerman from Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. By the way, his name is written down there. huho~

I just realized that Alex..sumthing and logan have powers at the tip of their fingers. And this guy...generates wave...? Ahaha, wanna know more? catch the movie. :)

Ah,,'posing maut'..
Wonder what you call it in english. 'death pose' ? :O
Although this guy is not young, but he's still one of my ultimate favourite. Meet Johnny Depp.

OOPSIE~wrong pic..

Huh. Guess you all are tired of celebs' pics. promise, there won't be anymore. :)) hope you don't mind, i'm just lazing around before all the interviews and the hectic days drop by and say "Hye".
:( coz they're missing me.

oh sorry bout this, he begged me to be published. :p