yUPPyy deeedooo! hepy valentine's, to any couples out there who celebrate this day~ definitely not me though. single simply ROCKS!! :)
So, blurr and blank? owh, that's my current situation. i'm blank about my courier in future. i mean, TOTALLY. 2 days ago i went to this carnival, its called "Jom Masuk U". Fuh, i'm not gonna tell ya about it coz it was worst than a pasar malam, also worst than the crowd in malls during year-end sales, yet, slightly equal to the crowd in stadium watching a football match, not to forget, staring at Christiano Ronaldo. Guys! C'mmon, he's mine. :P Everyone were all sardined up. Aiseh~
And, imagine when you can't even take a step or walk to the booth you wanted, not to mention, not feeling the big, yet invisible air-conditioner in a "supposed to be" an enormous hall. That's not the end of my complaint. Whatmore, your butts being accidentally (hope it is) touched/ banged/ any other words with the same meaning! Gosh~
Anyhow, they say, through all the toils and snares, grieves and pains, (what the?) you will somehow make it to the end. (not relevant though) At least, after collecting a bunch of catalogue from every booth, me, fatin and matun (my girlfriends) managed to spend some memorable time in the mall.
As soon as we arrived......"What??!" Yup, it was the same faces that we saw at the carnival were in the mall too. hmmm,,double fun now. MARVELLOUS! Forget about the crowd, at least we enjoyed ourselves. whee~ :D

OOOoppss ~ didn't realize i "lari topik". anyway, what am i supposed to do with those bunch of catalogues?

pic is only for deco~
hmm...so i'll tell ya how my future goes,,in future of course. Till then, i'll keep remaining blurred and blank until i make full use of those catalogues. LOL.
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