Posted by sharon de cruz at 2:25 AM 0 comments
Posted by sharon de cruz at 11:13 PM 0 comments
SERIOUSLY, why is time running super fast? its already february in a blink of an eye. huh, maybe 2 blinks..probably 3. whatever. i wish i could freeze for a moment.
And also wish i have a time machine. like, freeze the clock and look around. chilling out while the entire world freezes. owh, that would be AWEEESOME.. :) could do stuff$ that i've never done. :P
*LAUGHING OUT LOUD SO HARD (LOLSH) in a wicked tone*
Lol. i totally AM craping so much right now. well that's what happen when my brain is only 50% functioning, due to LACK of time for movies, music, surfing, chilling out, pedicures, reading(this is TOO much though), and etc. haha. (what's the OPPOSITE of lack?) :P. OMG i actually miss school badly. ACTUALLY i don't really miss school, i meant STUDYING.
Uh huh, you heard me. i miss studying! *talking as if i'm a 99 year old lady who can't read.* whee~! but really, i can't wait to enter whatever place i'm going after results are out and be back on my study track! i just can't wait! :D
But i know, once i'm back on my so-called study track again, life will be back to the square one. Hectic, the tense is back, and so on. haih. sO i am, and will, still enjoy the remains of my 2 months hols. That is why i need a freezing gun or whatever it is so that these moments will never end. But i'll need a melting gun when i'm bored with hols. XD
Posted by sharon de cruz at 6:20 AM 0 comments