what is up, folks? ooo..i definitely love blogging when it comes to sharing stuffs with you, not gossiping though. No, i don't gossip in public. ;)
I've been a little busy lately. well, that's normal as a spm-leaver. especially, after the results are out. and you gotta apply for scholarships and know what course you want to take up,(medic, engineering, pharmacy), going through interviews, smiling from ear to ear to the interviewers that you don't notice how ugly it is, and ...all those..you'll come to it, or, you are experiencing it with me. haih~
*the next thing you'll realize is that you don't know which is the best and what you actually want* (or is that only happening to me?) quesera-sera~ HIGH 5!
owh, today i'm gonna crap about notorious brands (for heels) in the world, cause i've been dreaming about them. Besides, its one of a way to sit back and relax between the hectics of the days. By the way, my ultimate favourite would be,,,,JIMMY CHOO's. teehee~
take a look at these and see what the celebs are wearing today. =)

JIMMY CHOO's..thumbs up~

mountain high~and i bet its super torturing.

auh, rather complicated~and it looks as if it could KILL. kah3

GUESS what? 1% comfortable! :O

my fav, just because its in my fav colour. and its Jessica Simpson's
hmmmppphh...if only all those cost rm1.50. i would get all of them. :( LOL. Anyway, i had fun snaping pics with the shops' labels. agagagaga~
Sorry JC, i just couldn't resist to pose in front of your fabulous, famous, glamorous, whatever 'ous' label. :)
same goes to COACH.