u make my heart melt............=)
let me introduce to u,,my "bez" fren (act bf) JOE JONAS...=) yea i knoe,,he's cute,...LOL
well let's b real..i'm not going to talk abt him,,,duh..but i'm going to talk abt a drama i just saw on tv.....the title is............
"LIE TO ME"!!!!! no of course they dun hav the exclaimation mark,...i added them..=p
So....waht's special abt dis drama?
well,,i didnt knew that there's act people who works as a "face expression-reader"(is that the name for it?) until i saw dis show.. some of u may think i'm lame for just knowing it,,like : "Oloh,,daratnye.." but that's me..."orang darat"..=D
anywy,,the show was interesting. they find murderers by just observing the suspects' face xpression. For eg.: u touch ur head wen u're talking to the police, saying, "I took a LIFE",, it shows that u r ASHAMED for doing it.
cool huh? there're so much more i learnt today but i cant fit evrythng in here..just c the show evry monday 8.30p.m-ntv7....I'M NOT PROMOTING NTV7!!
hmmm....what should i guez for Joe's xpression up there? he looks as if he's apologizing.......u know like "pleading" u to forgive him..........yeah wateva...u might tink "y the heck do i care?"
i'm just trying out to read people's face xpression....huhu...LOL
why dun U try it out??!! let me guez..he REGRETS for drinking coke evrydy that causes diabetes..that is why he put his hand on the glass,,indicating taht he has (insaf) and wouldnt touch any carbonated drink ever again!!! ~~huhu..poor nick!!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
party in the USA
Posted by sharon de cruz at 6:40 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 23, 2009
haah,,dis is my 2nd page....
i'm still trying HARD to learn to manage dis blog...for eg: i still dunt knoe how to put pictures n stuff...
and wat's the function of " LABELS FOR THIS POST"? hmmm...nvr mind,,i'll take ONE STEP AT A TIME,,.
neway,,,I'm so bored at home,,although its HOLIDAYS,...why leh? facebooking oso boring,,play restaurant city(1st attempt) lagi boring!! gosshhh! somebody gimme WORK to do!
homework?? hmm,,,not in the MOOD..haha..if ikut mood sei la..will never finish....
so i guez dis hols i'm juz gonna laze around..........waste my time,,,........then wen i wake up,,"Ohhh,,its Saturday?? and i have to get bck to school."
why go bck skul on sat? well,,i'm staying in hostel,,,or i can say tht i'm studying in a SBP skul (skolah berasrama penuh).....WARNING : dun ask me how is it like to b in tht skul! not to say it sucks,,,but,,..................mayb lame? ;)
dun wanna talk abt boring skul!!! so,,,back to talking abt boring hols,,i wonder waht other students (who deosnt go online evrydy) do.....hmmm...probably they're studying.....
tuition?? *sigh students nowadays,,,,chasing for knowledge..ADULTS chasing for money....
y cant evry1 b like me? onlining da whole day?! =D
i tink i'll stop here,,i dun want people to say my blog is just a piece of crap...
dat is y,,"I NEED A VACATION"!!!!!!! so tht i dun crap-blog...hehe...
c ya!!
Posted by sharon de cruz at 7:55 PM 0 comments
i'm the modern one...
OMG!!! i finally hav my own blog!!
like after yearsss dreaming about it,,;/
anyway,,isnt there any1 there to welcome me?? >.<
well usually my sisters would b my 1st frens wen i make any new stuff,,but u c the problem here is that they themselves DO NOT blog!!
ooo,,looks like the youngest is the mordenest now...errr..i'm not sure if "mordenest" exist.(in the dictionary @ manglish)
neway,,i'm njoying myself soo much here,,although looks like i'm talking alone..crap..=(
"somebody save me"...
tahts what interest me to blog,,"i can crap"!!! hahah
so if anyone of you people out there "HAPPEN" to read my blog,,juz comment somethng abt me,..dun worry, i dun force people to compliment me..juz tell me the truth although its : "sharon you suck at blogging"
i'll accpet it,...happily,,then i'll just cry in front of the screen...=_(
errr...did i talk too much? c dis is my 1st page,,so i can't estimate how much i've craped..XD
k byee...till v meet again,....=D
Posted by sharon de cruz at 8:20 AM 0 comments